DfE gives ‘inadequate' council 12 months to improve

Neil Puffett
Friday, May 20, 2016

A council where children's services were rated "inadequate" by Ofsted amid "serious issues of concern" has been told by the Department for Education that it has 12 months to deliver improvements.

The DfE has said Lancashire County Council has until May 2017 to implement its improvement plan. Picture: Janaki Mahadevan
The DfE has said Lancashire County Council has until May 2017 to implement its improvement plan. Picture: Janaki Mahadevan

Lancashire County Council was criticised by inspectors in November last year for “poor practice” in relation to three children who died in unrelated incidents while receiving services as children in need.

Since then an improvement board has been established, headed by independent chair Tony Crane, a former director of children’s services for Cheshire East Council, to help turn around services.

An improvement notice published yesterday by the DfE reveals that an adviser will be appointed to provide advice to government and the council, and the local authority will be given until May 2017 to implement its improvement plan. The adviser is yet to be named.

“The council’s improvement plan will deliver appropriate and sustainable improvement,” the improvement notice states.

“The plan should cover the areas identified in the Ofsted report of 27 November 2015, as well as the recommendations in the diagnostic report produced by Tony Crane in March 2016.”

Reviews of progress against the improvement plans will be made at least every six months, with the DfE receiving “regular” reports from its adviser.

The DfE has warned that if improvement is not achieved, ministers may use statutory powers to force the council to “enter into an appropriate arrangement to secure the improvements required in children’s services”.

Lancashire is one of a number of council's attempting to improve services following an inadequate rating under Ofsted's controversial single inspection framework.

Somerset council was recently granted more time to improve by the DfE after a 12-month action plan showed signs of progress. And a standalone community interest company is in the pipeline at Sunderland Council.

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