Youth workers to join lobby on low morale in charity sector

Joe Lepper
Friday, March 5, 2010

Youth workers will be among charity staff attending a lobby at Parliament to highlight low morale in the sector caused by the recession.

The lobbying event tomorrow (9 March) is being organised by the union Unite, which says the recession has increased the level of stress among charity workers.

Experienced staff are leaving as short-term contracts and cost cutting leave many charities facing an uncertain future, says the union.  Incidents of bullying have also risen sharply.

To promote the event, Unite has surveyed its charity sector members and found that nine out of ten feel their well-being at work is being undermined due to the financial crisis.

Rachael Maskell, Unite's national officer for the not-for-profit sector, said youth services in particular is being hit hard as commissioners look to focus funding on statutory services, such as safeguarding, rather than youth work.

"Those in youth work were among those telling us that financial problems are causing stress in the workplace and having a detrimental effect on the charity sector," she added.


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