Ask Jeanie: Teenager running away from foster placement

Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm working with a 13-year-old girl who has started running away from her foster placement. I'm at my wits' end as to how to help her. She's been seen in town a few times with some older girls. I want to help her foster carer to help the girl to understand the risks involved. But I'm not sure what to say or who else could help.

A: The issues regarding children running away from care are complex and need very sensitive handling. One of the first things I would do is to sit down with the girl and explore with her why she has started absconding. There might be issues with the placement, such as problems with other children in the home, her not feeling included or that she belongs there, or that she can't talk to her carer and therefore is seeking support via others. Or it might just be that she is rebelling against her situation.

Many children will abscond for what they perceive will be a bit of fun, or because they are being persuaded to by others who are looked after. It can start off as being a bit of a game, but can end up being anything but - the risks involved are huge.

Local safeguarding boards have protocols for supporting both children and carers. It would be worth discussing these both as a team and also with the carers themselves.

Do you know where she is going when she runs away? Are there any safety nets that can be put in place? Are the police alerted when she goes missing? What strategies can you discuss with her about keeping safe? Where local support services exist, they can assist you to make an assessment of risk levels and offer advice sessions and support on keeping safe. Find out what your local arrangements for children missing from care are - and make sure that she is offered every support possible.

Jeanie Lynch works for Barnardo's and has 25 years' experience of working with vulnerable children and families.

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