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Legal Update: The Carer’s Leave Act 2023

Augusta Itua, legal consultant at CoramBAAF, assesses the implications for carers of new legislation that gives employees the right to take leave in order to provide or arrange for long-term care needs.

Legal Update: Keeping children in care safe

CoramBAAF head of policy, research and development James Bury on how the vital role of health professionals for care safeguarding was explored at this year’s CoramBAAF Health Conference.

World of work made open to all

Supported employment schemes give young people with additional needs access to valuable work opportunities. Joanne Parkes speaks to sector experts and providers to explore the keys to success.

Legal Update: Family group conferences

Emily Blackshaw, lead quantitative analyst and Max Stanford, head of impact and evaluation at Coram outline findings from an evaluation of the use of FGCs at the pre-proceedings stage.

Mental Health in Schools: Special Report

With a growing number of children and young people facing probable mental health disorders, schools are in a unique position to address pupils' wellbeing before conditions reach crisis point.

Commissioning: Parent-infant relationship services

Dr Karen Bateson, clinical psychologist and Wook Hamilton, head of development at the Parent-Infant Foundation, outline how a new toolkit can help commissioners develop provision that enhances relationships between parents and young children.

The young and old learning together

Chester-based Nursery in Belong is one of a handful of UK early years settings pioneering an intergenerational approach to learning. Nicole Weinstein spoke to staff, children and older people.

Legal Update: Kinship care arrangements

Clare Seth, kinship consultant at CoramBAAF, analyses the impact that proposed government reforms following the Care Review will have for kinship carers and the children they look after.

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