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Commissioning Care: Key policy developments

Ofsted’s annual report highlighted ongoing issues with insufficient availability of care places despite more children’s homes and places coming on stream in the year to March 2023. For council commissioners, the key issue is being able to find a placement that meets a child’s needs within reasonable distance – rather than finding a placement per se.

Advantages of collaboration in sector

In the two years since the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published its children’s social care market report, a growing debate has emerged around the need for a more interventionalist approach in the sector.

Special Report: Commissioning Care

A shortage of provision and a rise in vulnerable children has made social care placements harder to find and more expensive for councils and led to policymakers developing plans for regional commissioning.

Digital solutions in children’s services: Key policy developments

The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care described the IT systems used by children’s services as “poorly configured”. These, it said, create barriers to data collection, delay information sharing and add extra bureaucracy for social workers to navigate, which takes them away from frontline practice.

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