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Family courts and care proceedings: Key policy developments

There were 3,828 public law cases – where a local authority makes an application for an order to safeguarding the welfare of a child – starting in October to December 2023 (the most recent data), down 3% compared to the equivalent quarter in 2022. Care applications made up two-thirds of public law orders applied for in this period.

Special Report: Family courts and care proceedings

The family court deals with some of the most sensitive cases involving vulnerable families, overseeing care proceedings, ensuring parents receive support and that decisions taken are in the best interests of children.

Inside a family hub

  • Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • | CYP Now
Haringey’s first family hub has been open for just over a year. Nicole Weinstein visited the setting to find out how it works and the difference it makes to local children, young people and families.

Creating a therapeutic ecology in commissioning

Residential care provides support and intervention to our most complex and vulnerable young people, and yet it had little mention in the government’s Care Review response policy paper Stable Homes Built on Love.

Key Data: Sufficiency and cost of care places

On 31 March 23, there were 3,119 children’s homes of all types registered to provide 13,528 places. This represents a 9% rise in homes and 5% rise in places compared to the year before, according to DfE data.

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