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Editorial: Outsourcing proposals could benefit charities

  • Tuesday, May 13, 2014
  • | CYP Now
The announcement last month of the consultation into the widescale outsourcing of children's services would have surprised few in the sector. Controversial though it may be, the government has been laying the groundwork for the creation of a children's social care "market" for the past year. But although the direction of travel has been clear for some time, the ramifications of such a move are only now starting to be thought through.

Outsourcing plans need more debate, warns APPG chair

  • Wednesday, July 2, 2014
  • | CYP Now
The government's consultation over allowing councils to delegate children's social care services to third parties was insufficient and needs further debate, chair of the all-party parliamentary group on child protection has said.

Costs of children in care hit £3.4bn

  • Thursday, August 21, 2014
  • | CYP Now
The cost of supporting children in care has reached £3.4bn, according to an Audit Commission report that exposes widespread variation of spending across councils.

Big-picture inspection: guide to the new JTAI

  • Tuesday, April 26, 2016
  • | CYP Now
New Joint Targeted Area Inspections to assess how different agencies are working together to support vulnerable children have just been launched. Joe Lepper explores how they work.

Children at risk from council mergers

  • Tuesday, February 22, 2011
  • | CYP Now
Vulnerable children could be placed at risk if neighbouring local authorities merge their children services departments, the union Unison has warned.

Future ADCS president warns of challenge to save DCS role

  • Wednesday, January 14, 2015
  • | CYP Now
Directors of children's services (DCSs) face a fight to protect their role, with more than half now responsible for other directorates or services, the vice president-elect of the Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) has warned.

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