Youth chiefs' body set to broaden remit

Andy Hillier
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The body that represents heads of youth services is to offer membership to other youth professionals but has put off a decision on changing its name until at least next spring.

Youth professionals
Youth professionals

Members of the Association of Principal Youth & Community Officers (Apyco) voted 53 to 10 in favour of broadening its membership at its annual general meeting this week, but decided against changing the organisation's name until an extraordinary general meeting is held next year.

Membership of the organisation has traditionally only been open to local authority heads of youth services, but now senior youth work managers within councils, regional youth work advisers and government office leads on youth work will be able to join as associate members. Affiliated membership will also be offered to representative bodies such as The National Youth Agency, the Association of Directors of Children's Services and the Association of Youth Offending Team Managers.

David Whewell, chairman of Apyco, said extending the organisation's remit was the right thing to do now that many youth services work as part of integrated teams. He said: "The reality is we have to be much more inclusive as an organisation. We have to be open to other agencies such as the Association of Youth Offending Team Managers and work closely with them."

However, the move to broaden the association's remit has met opposition from some local authority youth service heads. In the feedback section on Apyco's website, one principal youth officer said the change would "most certainly have a detrimental effect on the delivery and development of youth work". "I would suggest the association concentrates on leading youth work and ensuring its contribution to national agendas is acknowledged," he said.

Plans to change the organisation's name to the Association of Integrated Youth Support Services has proved particularly controversial. Many members felt the proposed name did not adequately reflect the role of the association, so a decision has been put back until further suggestions can be debated in January and then voted on in April. "The general feeling was that the new name wasn't ideal so we've delayed making the change for now," added Whewell.

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